Breastfeeding Links

Breastfeeding Tip Book
Answer User Questions
Transitioning to the Crib
Pain and Breastfeeding
Breast Shells
Mom Worries Baby Not Getting Breastmilk
How Much Breastmilk
Uneven Breast Milk Production
Breast Pump Frequency
Delaying Solid Foods
Breastfeeding and Weight Loss
Cold Medications and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Diet
Open Baby's Mouth Properly
Help the Baby Latch Properly
Breastfeeding a Newborn
Floating Beyond Schedules
Easy Care for Cracked or Dry Nipples
Getting comfortable
Best Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers
Breastfeeding Techniques Can Help Balance Production
Positioning of Baby's Lips
Positioning of Baby's Tongue
Regular Suck-Swallow Pattern
Appearance Of Your Nipples
What do I Do If I Suspect There Is A Problem?
Sleepy Babies
Early Initiation
Nurse Baby Early and Often
Wanting to Nurse Constantly?
Constantly Wanting to Nurse
Swallowing or not?
How to Tell When the Baby is Swallowing
How Often Do I Feed the Baby?
Should I Only Nurse on Schedule?
Breastfeeding Log
Keep a Nursing Log
Breastfeeding Facts and Trivia
Appetite Spurts
Appetites Increase for Babies About to Grow
Importance of Burping
Burping Positions
Proper Latching
Latching on Correctly
Proper Latching
Latching on Correctly
Easy Positioning of Baby
Common Nursing Positions
Breastmilk, not just for breakfast anymore!
Breastfeeding in Public
Breastfeeding with Confidence
Protecting Your Privacy
You Don't Have to Tell Them
Pumping in the Car
Pumping and Driving
How to Prevent Flashing
Prevent Accidental Flashing
Dealing with Dirty Looks
Not ready to come out?
Practice makes perfect, even while breastfeeding
You need not nurse in the restroom!
A sling is a marvelous thing!
Breastfeeding Myths
Allow the Baby to Determine Feeding Duration
MYTH-It is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed
MYTH-Breastfeeding twins is too difficult to manage
MYTH-Breastfeeding ties the mother down
LLL tales of horror (MYTHS)
LLL is free, unlike an LC
MYTH-Many women do not produce enough milk
MYTH-My breasts don't feel full, so I can't breastfeed.
MYTH-Pumping is a good way of determining how much milk the mother has
MYTH-There is no way to know how much breast milk the baby is getting
MYTH-Women with small breasts produce less milk than those with large breasts
MYTH-Women whose breasts do not enlarge or enlarge only a little during pregnancy, will not produce enough milk
MYTH-There is not enough or no milk during the first few days after birth
MYTH-Modern formulas are as good for babies as breastmilk
Breastfeeding Following Exercise Safe for Mom and Baby
MYTH-I take medication, so I can't nurse.
MYTH-A mother who bleeds from her nipples should not breastfeed
MYTH-It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt
MYTH-A woman who has had breast augmentation surgery cannot breastfeed
MYTH-A woman who has had breast reduction surgery cannot breastfeed
Babies will stay on the breast for 2 hours because they like to suck
MYTH-A baby should be on the breast 20 (10, 15, 7.6) minutes on each side
MYTH-Breastfeeding babies need extra Vitamin D
MYTH-Breastfeeding babies need other types of milk after 6 months
MYTH-A breastfeeding baby needs extra water in hot weather
MYTH-Premature babies need to take the bottle before they can start breastfeeding
MYTH-A baby should learn to take a bottle right away
MYTH-Breastmilk does not contain enough iron for the baby's needs
Breastfeeding Support
Pain During Breastfeeding
Family and Friends
La Leche League
Other Nursing Mothers
Men in Nursing Stations?
Have Your Partner Help
He Can Help at Night Too
WIC Supports Breastfeeding
Help from WIC
A supportive pediatrician is key
Common Breastfeeding Problems
Breastmilk is the best medicine
Breastfeeding Can Safely Continue When Mom is Sick
Nurse In An Upright Position
Your Wrist Position Matters
What To Do About Biting
Nursing Teething Babies Hurts
Jealous Older Siblings
Nurse and Play Together
Reaction to Milk
Mother's Food Log
Dealing with leakage
Mastitis symptoms
Securely Covering Up
Nurse Frequently
Which side first?
Keep Dry
Don't give up
Breast Shells
Too sore to nurse?
Alleviating Pain from Weaning
What is a nursing strike?
Skin Contact
Quiet Nursing
Assist flow of milk
Strange Tastes and Smells
Naptime Nursing
Keep baby calm
Alternatives for the all night nurser
Babies Benefit From Frequent Night Waking
Possible Mother's Symptoms
Possible Baby's Symptoms
Treatment for the Mother
Mother's Diet
Baby's Treatment
Duration of Treatment
Expressing and Storing Breastmilk
Cleaning Your Pump
Battery Operated Pumps
Small Electric Pumps
Medium Sized Electric Pumps
Hospital Grade Electric Pumps
How much do I need to pump for each feed?
Breast Milk Banks
Hand Pumps
Cleaning a Hospital Grade Pump
When to Freeze
Electric Versus Hand-Held
Troubleshooting a Pump
Breastmilk storage containers
Use Caps on Bottles to Transport
Self-expression of Milk
Express Yourself!
Different methods of storage
Extended Breastfeeding
Is breastfeeding during pregnancy possible?
Why would anyone want to breastfeed while they are pregnant?
More nutritional Benefits of Breastmilk in the Second Year
Toddler Appetite
Nutritional Content of Breastmilk in the Second Year
Social Development
The WHO's View of Extended Breastfeeding
Mom can pass on decay!
What Can I Do?
What Causes tooth decay?
Breast Cancer
Weight Loss
Ovarian Cancer
Uterine Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
It´s Spring Time!
Get out with your Baby!
Decorate Your House
Other Feeding Issues
Jealous Older Sibling?
Older Children and Jealousy
Pain in the First Week
Initial Pain
Preparation for Breastfeeding
Breast Feeding Classes
Breastfeeding and Birth Control
Speak With Your Employer
Prepare Your Partner
Help around the House
Which Bra is Best?
Nursing Bras are Not the Only Bras for You
Breastfeeding nutrition
iPhone application-Total Baby
Total Baby
Bebe Au Lait Nursing Gear
Bebe Au Lait Nursing Gear
Setting the Mood
Take Away Distractions
Special Circumstances
Inform Your Support Person
Pain Free Positioning
Pain Medication
Look After Yourself
Avoiding Nipple Confusion
Surround Yourself With Support
Hospital Policy on Milk Storage
Putting Baby to the Breast
Herbal Supplements and Medications
Hang in There!
Calorie Content of Breast Milk
Stress Free Administration of Medication
Store all Expressed Milk
Pump Regularly
Bootleg Breastfeeding
Potential Donors
Nurse Before a Ride
Nurse Before a Ride
Where to go at day-long events
Nursing While Sick
Can I Nurse While Sick?
Breastfeeding with Inverted Nipples
Inverted Nipple Options
The Joy Of Breastfeeding
Psalm 131 2-3
Life Is Elsewhere 2
Things to consider when weaning
The Natural Age of Weaning
Weaning Gradually
Going 'Cold Turkey'
Switching to Bottles
Bait and Switch
Use an Athletic Bra During Weaning
Althetic Bras Provide Support for Weaning
Ready for Food?
Working and Breastfeeding
Bottle Training Ahead of Time
Bottle Training
Build Your Supply Before Returning to Work
About to Return to Work?
Do Not Disturb
How to Rent a Pump
If You Don't Want to Buy, Rent a Pump
Pumping Breaks
Know Your Rights
If the baby is to get milk other than breastmilk, it needs to be artificial baby milk (infant formula) until the baby is at least 9 months of age
But getting the baby to take a bottle surely won't hurt
Babies need to drink milk when the mother is not at home
Followup formulas (artificial milk for infants over 6 months of age) are specially adapted to the needs of infants 6 to 12 months of age
Maternity Leave
Breastfeeding Newsletter Archive
Ready for Food?
Bottle Training
Importance of Burping
Burping Positions
Open Baby's Mouth Properly
Help the Baby Latch Properly
Appetite Spurts
Take Away Distractions
Nurse Before a Ride
Nurse Before a Ride
iPhone application-Total Baby
Total Baby
Bebe Au Lait Nursing Gear
Bebe Au Lait Nursing Gear
WIC Supports Breastfeeding
Help from WIC
Should I Only Nurse on Schedule?
Which Bra is Best?
Inverted Nipple Options
Initial Pain
Bait and Switch
Securely Covering Up
Mastitis symptoms
Where to go at day-long events
Breastfeeding nutrition
Dealing with leakage
Men in Nursing Stations?
Other Nursing Mothers
La Leche League
Family and Friends
Going 'Cold Turkey'
Weaning Gradually
Troubleshooting a Pump
Electric Versus Hand-Held
Herbal Supplements and Medications
Know Your Rights
Pumping Breaks
Breast Milk Banks
Dealing with Dirty Looks
MYTH-A baby should learn to take a bottle right away
Delaying Solid Foods
Breast Pump Frequency
Uneven Breast Milk Production
How Much Breastmilk
Breast Shells
Transitioning to the Crib
Pain and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Diet
Cold Medications and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding and Weight Loss
Breastfeeding and Birth Control
Mom Worries Baby Not Getting Breastmilk
Breastfeeding Techniques Can Help Balance Production
Breastfeeding Can Safely Continue When Mom is Sick
Breastfeeding Following Exercise Safe for Mom and Baby
Alleviating Pain from Weaning
Best Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers
Hand Pumps
Small Electric Pumps
Hospital Grade Electric Pumps
Putting Baby to the Breast
Look After Yourself
Surround Yourself With Support
Nurse Baby Early and Often
Positioning of Baby´s Tongue
Early Initiation
Sleepy Babies
Keep Dry
Too sore to nurse?
What is a nursing strike?
Alternatives for the all night nurser
Babies Benefit From Frequent Night Waking
Baby´s Treatment
Duration of Treatment
Mother´s Diet
Possible Baby´s Symptoms
Possible Mother´s Symptoms
Treatment for the Mother
Battery Operated Pumps
Cleaning a Hospital Grade Pump
Cleaning Your Pump
How much do I need to pump for each feed?
Medium Sized Electric Pumps
Social Development
Toddler Appetite
Mom can pass on decay!
What Causes tooth decay?
Inform Your Support Person
Avoiding Nipple Confusion
Calorie Content of Breast Milk
Life Is Elsewhere
Things to consider when weaning
Babies need to drink milk when the mother is not at home
But getting the baby to take a bottle surely won´t hurt
MYTH-It is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed
MYTH-Breastfeeding twins is too difficult to manage
MYTH-Many women do not produce enough milk
MYTH-There is no way to know how much breast milk the baby is getting
MYTH-There is not enough or no milk during the first few days after birth
MYTH-My breasts don´t feel full, so I can´t breastfeed.
MYTH-A mother who bleeds from her nipples should not breastfeed
MYTH-A woman who has had breast reduction surgery cannot breastfeed
MYTH-It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt
MYTH-A baby should be on the breast 20 (10, 15, 7.6) minutes on each side
Babies will stay on the breast for 2 hours because they like to suck
MYTH-Breastfeeding babies need extra Vitamin D
MYTH-Breastfeeding babies need other types of milk after 6 months
MYTH-Premature babies need to take the bottle before they can start breastfeeding
MYTH-Breastmilk does not contain enough iron for the baby´s needs
MYTH-A baby should learn to take a bottle right away
Nursing a newborn
A breastfeeding baby needs extra water in hot weather
A Breastfeeding Baby Needs Extra Water In Hot Weather
Getting comfortable
Help around the House
Ovarian Cancer
Extra water in hot weather
Help around the House
It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt?
Nurse Baby Early and Often
Nurse In An Upright Position
Getting comfortable
Nurse Baby Early and Often
Is breastfeeding during pregnancy possible?
Breastfeeding ties the mother down
Quiet Nursing
Regular Suck-Swallow Pattern
What causes tooth decay?
Help Around the House
More Nutritional Benefits of Breastmilk in the Second Year
What Causes Tooth Decay?
Social Development
TTC while Breast feeding
Some thoughts on weaning
Breast Feeding The Sleepy Baby
Positioning Your Newborn
Dental Caries in Breastfed Babies
Storing Breast Milk
The Trials of Under Supply
Tandem Nursing
The Joy of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
Returning to work? No need to wean!
Congestion in the Breastfed Baby
Blocked Ducts and Mastitis
Too much of a good thing? The issue of scheduling feeds.
To Wean or Not to Wean...
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 12: Nursing Strike
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 11: Breastfeeding and Sleep
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 10: Indroducing Solids
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 8: The Return Of Fertility
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 9: Breastfeeding The Older Baby
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 7: Breastfeeding Fathers
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 7: Breastfeeding in Public
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: Dealing with guests
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 5: Sore Nipples
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Is my baby getting enough milk?
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 3: Nursing Positions
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 2: How often should my baby be feeding? What about night feeds?
Breastfeeding-tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Preparation for and early initiation of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to consider when weaning my child?
How can I get comfortable while breastfeeding?
what is the natural age of weaning?
How can I treat thrush?
How do I position my baby at my breast?
Should I limit the amount of time my baby is nursing?
Is it normal for breastfeeding to hurt?
My breasts seem empty. Do I have enough milk?
How can I tell if my baby is sucking properly?
What is a nursing strike?
Does breastfeeding tie the mother down?
How do I know if I have thrush?
Should I give my baby extra water in hot weather?
How is my toddler benefited by nursing?
Is breastfeeding during pregnancy possible?
How can I end a nursing strike?
Does extended nursing have any health benefits?
Does extended breastfeeding have any health benefits?
How can friends help after the birth?
How can I help my congested baby to nurse?
What causes tooth decay?
Does my toddler still receive immunity from nursing?
How much do I need to pump for each feed?
How do I treat thrush?
How long can I keep breastmilk?
Is it normal for breastfeeding to hurt?
Why does it hurt to breastfeed?
How can I stop my baby from nursing all night?
How can I treat thrush?
How do I know if I have thrush?
What is a hand pump?
What should my nipples look like after nursing?
Is it true that many women do not produce enough milk?
How can I prepare for breast feeding?
Don´t breastfed babies wake more frequently?
Should I stop breastfeeding if my nipples bleed?
Does nursing my toddler affect her socially?
What does the AAP say about extended breastfeeding?
What nutritional benefits are there for nursing a toddler?
Is it really easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed?
What do I do if my baby is too sleepy to nurse?
When is the best time to start breastfeeding my baby?
How should I clean my pump?
Should I limit the amount of time my baby spends on my breast?
How can I treat thrush?
Will nursing my toddler affect her appetite?
How can I end a nursing strike?
My breasts did not enlarge during pregnancy. Can I still nurse?
How should my baby´s lips be positioned?
What is a battery operated pump?
I have small breasts. Can I still breastfeed?
How can I end a nursing strike?
Does my baby need extra Vitamin D?
What nutritional benefits are there for nursing a toddler?
How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?
How should I prepare my partner for breast feeding?
Can I breast feed if I am taking pain medication?
How should my baby´s tongue by postioned?
Why would anyone want to breastfeed while they are pregnant?
What is a medium sized electric pump?
What do I Do If I Suspect There Is A Problem?
Is it too difficult to breastfeed twins?
Should I be giving my baby extra milk after 6 months old?
Can I breastfeed if I have had breast reduction surgery?
Do I have enough milk for my baby in the first few days after birth?
What is a hospital grade electric pump?
How do I clean a hospital grade pump?
Does a baby need forumula if its mother is working?
How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?
What can I do with my baby in Spring?
What can I do to prepare for a return to work?
How many calories does breast milk have?
Should my preemie learn to bottle feed before breastfeed?
What can I do to minimize sore nipples?
How can I relieve the pain of sore nipples?
How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?
How can I end a nursing strike?
Does my milk contain enough iron for my baby?
Does breastfeeding my toddler decrease the risk of allergies?
Does nursing affect a toddlers health?
Can I tell how much milk my baby is getting?
How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?
What do I do if it hurts to nurse?
How can I prepare for breast feeding?
Where can I find breastfeeding quotes?
What can I do to prevent decay?
What is the WHO´s view of extended breastfeeding?
Can I tell how much milk I have by pumping?
Does my baby need to learn how to take a bottle?
What is the best way to give a baby medication?
Can I breastfeed if I have had breast augmentation?
How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?
How long can I keep breastmilk?
What can I do with my baby in Spring?
How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?
Where can I find breastfeeding quotes?
When should I start to breast feed my hospitalised baby?
Can giving a breastfed baby a bottle do any harm?
What is a small electric pump?
How can I be sure that my baby is getting enough milk?
Does a baby need to drink milk while it´s mother is working?
Are followup formulas necessary?
How can I end a nursing strike?
How can I end a nursing strike?
How can I prevent dental caries?
Does breastfeeding my toddler make her smarter?
How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?
How often should i pump to maintain my supply?
How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?
What can i do to help myself while my baby is in hospital?
How can I position my baby,without pain, after a C-section?
Does extended breastfeeding have any health benefits?
Will my nursing toddler be overly dependent?
How important is support while my baby is in hospital?
Can I breastfeed when I have the flu?
Are all babies capable of breast feeding?
How can I increase my chances of breastfeeding after a c-section?
Should I store expressed breast milk for my baby in the NICU?
Does my baby need to take a bottle?
What should I do if my baby spends too much time at my breast?
How do I nurse in public?
Do any products make breastfeeding more discreet?
Does breastmilk cure pinkeye?
How can I end a nursing strike?
What if I´m afraid to nurse in public?
Is breastfeeding in public illegal?
What is La Leche League?
What if it hurts?
Is LLL free?
Can I take medication while breastfeeding?
Is formula as good as breastmilk?
How can I prepare for breast feeding?
I am finding it difficult to express more than 4oz at a time the flow tends to stop - even when baby is on the other breast. What is the average amount that can be expressed at any one time? Am I doing OK??
How often should I pump?
I want to continue breastfeeding my son after 6 months and not introduce food. Is this okay to do. Ideally I would like to only feed him breast milk for as long as possible.
I am ready to stop nursing my 19 month old daughter. She nurses all night long basically in my bed and can rarely fall asleep with out being attached. What can i do to get her used to her crib? When i put her in there I make it comfy and spend time in the room with her but if i try to leave she scre
How many women stop breastfeeding do to pain?
Where can I buy these breast shells?
What are the affects of breastfeeding a toddler and taking the mini pill?
What advice do you have to help me loose weight while nursing my six month old?
What OTC meds can I take for nasal congestion while I am breastfeeding my 6 month old?
When breastfeeding, does it matter what you eat and drink and how much?
What is the best diet while breastfeeding?
What can I do to ease the pain after weaning?
Can you breastfeed your baby right after you come from working out at the gym? (My daughter heard you cannot, and she wants to breastfeed. She will be going back weightlifting after the baby is born. Late April early May.) Thanks.
Can you breastfeed if you have flu/cold type symptons?
Why is it that one breast produces more milk than the other? How can the breast that produces less milk make more?
I have milk but the baby isn`t getting any. What do I do?
How can I breastfeed in public without flashing?
How can I prevent tendinitis when breastfeeding?
How long should I breastfeed my baby?
Is breastfeeding always painless?
Do I need to feed my baby on a schedule?
Can I breastfeed with inverted nipples?
What can I do to heal or soothe dry or cracked nipples?

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