Read these 25 Extended Breastfeeding Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Breastfeeding tips and hundreds of other topics.
In the second year of life, 500ml of breastmilk provides: 95% of Vitamin C requirements, 45% of Vitamin A requirements,38% of protein requirements,31% of energy requirements.
Dental decay (caries) is caused by bacteria that live in plaque on the teeth. A tooth is essentially a hollow piece of bone with an enamel cap. Enamel is just like glass, so when acid meets glass, the glass is etched. The same process occurs in the mouth. Bacteria eats sugar that pass through the mouth and makes acid. Acid then etches the tooth surface a little at a time until the enamel is penetrated. Thus, a cavity is formed.
Nursing while pregnant is very possible and not that uncommon, especially in other, less "developed" countries.
Breastfeeding protects against osteoporosis. During lactationm a mother may experience decreases of bone mineral. A nursing mom's bone mineral density may be reduced in the whole body by 1%-2% while she is still nursing. This is gained back, and bone mineral density may actually increase, when the baby is weaned from the breast. This is not dependent on additional calcium supplementation in the mother's diet.
Breastmilk remains a valuable source of protein, fat, calcium, and vitamins well beyond two years of age.
Extensive research on the relationship between cognitive achievement (IQ scores, grades in school) and breastfeeding has shown the greatest gains for those children breastfed the longest.
One study that dealt specifically with babies nursed longer than a year showed a significant link between the duration of nursing and mothers' and teachers' ratings of social adjustment in 6-8 year old children. In the words of the researchers, "There are statistically significant tendencies for conduct disorder scores to decline with increasing duration of breastfeeding."
One way to prevent dental caries is to brush your baby's teeth twice a day to loosen plaque and after every nursing, wipe her teeth down with a dry cloth.
If your child has a history of dental caries, then a topical fluoride can be applied.
Meeting a child's dependency needs, according to that child's unique timetable, is the key to helping that child achieve independence. Children who achieve independence at their own pace are more secure in that independence then children forced into independence prematurely.
The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age or beyond.
The type of decay found in nursing (caries) occurs between and on the smooth surfaces of teeth. This decay pattern is believed to be infectious. Certain strains of high acid producing bacteria are passed from a caregiver to the infant when teeth first erupt into the mouth. Interestingly, the child must have teeth in order to support the organisms and the transfer occurs through saliva-to-saliva contact. Therefore, if the mother has a history of extensive dental decay between and on the smooth surfaces of her teeth, she should not share spoons, pacifiers with her mouth, or allow her saliva to contact her infant's mouth.
Some doctors may feel that nursing will interfere with a child's appetite for other foods. However, there has been no documentation that nursing children are more likely than weaned children to refuse supplementary foods. In fact, most researchers in Third World countries recommend continued nursing for even the severely malnourished. Most suggest helping the malnourished older nursing child, not by weaning, but by supplementing the mother's diet to improve the nutritional quality of her milk and by offering the child more varied and more palatable foods to improve his or her appetite.
A mother who is nursing and becomes pregnant often does not want to stop nursing the older child, especially if her children are going to be very close in age.
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