
How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?


You may want to take a mild pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil about 30 minutes prior to nursing or around the clock until your discomfort lessens or disappears. Both of these drugs are compatible with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to consider when weaning my child?

How can I get comfortable while breastfeeding?

what is the natural age of weaning?

How can I treat thrush?

How do I position my baby at my breast?

Should I limit the amount of time my baby is nursing?

Is it normal for breastfeeding to hurt?

My breasts seem empty. Do I have enough milk?

How can I tell if my baby is sucking properly?

What is a nursing strike?

Does breastfeeding tie the mother down?

How do I know if I have thrush?

Should I give my baby extra water in hot weather?

How is my toddler benefited by nursing?

Is breastfeeding during pregnancy possible?

How can I end a nursing strike?

Does extended nursing have any health benefits?

Does extended breastfeeding have any health benefits?

How can friends help after the birth?

How can I help my congested baby to nurse?

What causes tooth decay?

Does my toddler still receive immunity from nursing?

How much do I need to pump for each feed?

How do I treat thrush?

How long can I keep breastmilk?

Is it normal for breastfeeding to hurt?

Why does it hurt to breastfeed?

How can I stop my baby from nursing all night?

How can I treat thrush?

How do I know if I have thrush?

What is a hand pump?

What should my nipples look like after nursing?

Is it true that many women do not produce enough milk?

How can I prepare for breast feeding?

Donīt breastfed babies wake more frequently?

Should I stop breastfeeding if my nipples bleed?

Does nursing my toddler affect her socially?

What does the AAP say about extended breastfeeding?

What nutritional benefits are there for nursing a toddler?

Is it really easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed?

What do I do if my baby is too sleepy to nurse?

When is the best time to start breastfeeding my baby?

How should I clean my pump?

Should I limit the amount of time my baby spends on my breast?

How can I treat thrush?

Will nursing my toddler affect her appetite?

How can I end a nursing strike?

My breasts did not enlarge during pregnancy. Can I still nurse?

How should my babyīs lips be positioned?

What is a battery operated pump?

I have small breasts. Can I still breastfeed?

How can I end a nursing strike?

Does my baby need extra Vitamin D?

What nutritional benefits are there for nursing a toddler?

How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?

How should I prepare my partner for breast feeding?

Can I breast feed if I am taking pain medication?

How should my babyīs tongue by postioned?

Why would anyone want to breastfeed while they are pregnant?

What is a medium sized electric pump?

What do I Do If I Suspect There Is A Problem?

Is it too difficult to breastfeed twins?

Should I be giving my baby extra milk after 6 months old?

Can I breastfeed if I have had breast reduction surgery?

Do I have enough milk for my baby in the first few days after birth?

What is a hospital grade electric pump?

How do I clean a hospital grade pump?

Does a baby need forumula if its mother is working?

How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?

What can I do with my baby in Spring?

What can I do to prepare for a return to work?

How many calories does breast milk have?

Should my preemie learn to bottle feed before breastfeed?

What can I do to minimize sore nipples?

How can I relieve the pain of sore nipples?

How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?

How can I end a nursing strike?

Does my milk contain enough iron for my baby?

Does breastfeeding my toddler decrease the risk of allergies?

Does nursing affect a toddlers health?

Can I tell how much milk my baby is getting?

How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?

What do I do if it hurts to nurse?

How can I prepare for breast feeding?

Where can I find breastfeeding quotes?

What can I do to prevent decay?

What is the WHOīs view of extended breastfeeding?

Can I tell how much milk I have by pumping?

Does my baby need to learn how to take a bottle?

What is the best way to give a baby medication?

Can I breastfeed if I have had breast augmentation?

How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?

How long can I keep breastmilk?

What can I do with my baby in Spring?

How can I minimize the pain of cracked nipples?

Where can I find breastfeeding quotes?

When should I start to breast feed my hospitalised baby?

Can giving a breastfed baby a bottle do any harm?

What is a small electric pump?

How can I be sure that my baby is getting enough milk?

Does a baby need to drink milk while itīs mother is working?

Are followup formulas necessary?

How can I end a nursing strike?

How can I end a nursing strike?

How can I prevent dental caries?

Does breastfeeding my toddler make her smarter?

How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?

How often should i pump to maintain my supply?

How is a mother benefited by nursing her toddler?

What can i do to help myself while my baby is in hospital?

How can I position my baby,without pain, after a C-section?

Does extended breastfeeding have any health benefits?

Will my nursing toddler be overly dependent?

How important is support while my baby is in hospital?

Can I breastfeed when I have the flu?

Are all babies capable of breast feeding?

How can I increase my chances of breastfeeding after a c-section?

Should I store expressed breast milk for my baby in the NICU?

Does my baby need to take a bottle?

What should I do if my baby spends too much time at my breast?

How do I nurse in public?

Do any products make breastfeeding more discreet?

Does breastmilk cure pinkeye?

How can I end a nursing strike?

What if Iīm afraid to nurse in public?

Is breastfeeding in public illegal?

What is La Leche League?

What if it hurts?

Is LLL free?

Can I take medication while breastfeeding?

Is formula as good as breastmilk?

How can I prepare for breast feeding?

I am finding it difficult to express more than 4oz at a time the flow tends to stop - even when baby is on the other breast. What is the average amount that can be expressed at any one time? Am I doing OK??


How often should I pump?

I want to continue breastfeeding my son after 6 months and not introduce food. Is this okay to do. Ideally I would like to only feed him breast milk for as long as possible.

I am ready to stop nursing my 19 month old daughter. She nurses all night long basically in my bed and can rarely fall asleep with out being attached. What can i do to get her used to her crib? When i put her in there I make it comfy and spend time in the room with her but if i try to leave she scre

How many women stop breastfeeding do to pain?

Where can I buy these breast shells?

What are the affects of breastfeeding a toddler and taking the mini pill?

What advice do you have to help me loose weight while nursing my six month old?

What OTC meds can I take for nasal congestion while I am breastfeeding my 6 month old?

When breastfeeding, does it matter what you eat and drink and how much?

What is the best diet while breastfeeding?

What can I do to ease the pain after weaning?

Can you breastfeed your baby right after you come from working out at the gym? (My daughter heard you cannot, and she wants to breastfeed. She will be going back weightlifting after the baby is born. Late April early May.) Thanks.

Can you breastfeed if you have flu/cold type symptons?

Why is it that one breast produces more milk than the other? How can the breast that produces less milk make more?

I have milk but the baby isn`t getting any. What do I do?

How can I breastfeed in public without flashing?

How can I prevent tendinitis when breastfeeding?

How long should I breastfeed my baby?

Is breastfeeding always painless?

Do I need to feed my baby on a schedule?

Can I breastfeed with inverted nipples?

What can I do to heal or soothe dry or cracked nipples?

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